Content Creation

Social Media

Social Media

While working at Red Shark Digital, partnered with a digital strategist, I collaborated to create three unique and informative social media posts every day for nine months.

Consistency is Key

With meticulous research, hashtag generation, and algorithm studying we were able to grow the Red Shark Instagram account from 800 to 30.5k followers in the same nine month timeframe. By utilizing each new feature the platform added we were able to stay consistent with overall engagement and impressions.

Daily story interactions, scheduled posting, and specific tutorial carousels explaining features in programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and more netted us a pretty vast audience that we still interact with today. Not only were we able to increase our follower count, but we were also able to make connections with designers and marketing experts from across the globe in the process. I also planned, recorded, and edited step-by-step tutorials every week in an effort to transition our Instagram audience to YouTube as well.

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